5 Solid Reasons Why You Should Invest In Cryptocurrency

woman bitcoin


Research from eToro, a cryptocurrency exchange, indicates that the cryptocurrency market has been male-dominated, with women making up only 8.5% of all investors while men account for 91.5%. Some female cryptocurrency investors also see blockchain technology as a solution to common financial problems that women face, such as raising money to start a tech business. Although public opinion about cryptocurrency is somehow always the subject of constant skepticism you shouldn’t let that deter you from learning more about it.

We have all heard that it’s considered a high-risk asset, and is subject to high risks,  however with high risk is often a high reward.  Although we don’t recommend investing all assets in cryptocurrency – as a woman, diversifying your investments and not keeping all funds in the same place is always a great financial decision.  

In this article, we break down 5 Reasons You Should Invest In Cryptocurrency:


High Profitability


In 2019 alone, bitcoin gained 290%. Let’s also not forget that during 2017, the price of the first cryptocurrency had increased 20-fold. These types of fluctuations present a high risk, but also a great opportunity to quickly increase your investment. This has constantly attracted investors who are risk-tolerant, as well as the financial capital they are willing to risk. The fact is, Cryptocurrency provides an opportunity that only appears once in a generation. And there’s no reason to not get involved with it! 


High Liquidity


An important characteristic of any asset is liquidity –  the ability to buy or sell assets for the price closest to the market. Cryptocurrency is an asset that has high liquidity due to its technical characteristics. One does *not* need millions to buy cryptocurrency. In fact, only the minimum is necessary to enter the market! To create an account on an exchange platform, a user needs only fill in a simple questionnaire and confirm the address of residence and that’s it. Funds are easy to deposit and easy to withdraw. The most important thing is to choose the right trading platform, and you’re good to go!


Unlimited And Cheap Transfers


Cryptocurrency is an asset that allows funds to transfer either domestically or abroad quickly and for fees much lower than existing services. For countries having low or middle-income levels, these transfers are one of the biggest sources of incoming funds! If we talk about big volumes, we can count fees by the thousands. Thanks to cryptocurrency, the price for sending funds is almost always lower than the customer would pay if they use traditional banking channels.


Growing Customer Base

woman crypto

Growth potential is what one should pay attention to while considering investments in an asset for the long term. Over 10 years, cryptocurrency has become more than a niche interest area for IT-geeks. It has become quite popular among a wider range of customers, mostly thanks to the opportunity to gain financial capital quickly. Although it’s still early to talk about wide-scale expansion worldwide – it’s not a stretch to say that the cryptocurrency market has the potential for some massive growth in the future.


Total Control Of Funds


Finally, the main reason to keep a part of your funds in cryptocurrency is the fact that it gives investors total control over their funds. Cryptocurrency is a representation of the growing defiance towards state institutions and banks. The private bank sector has proved a long time ago that it doesn’t deserve our confidence, but it’s quite the contrary with Cryptocurrency! 


Bottom line: 

With Cryptocurrency experiencing exponential growth over the years – there are more and more people taking the risk to invest in bitcoins. Why not be one of them?! Looking for more valuable advice from women who also have an interest in crypto? Just like anything else in life, you need to make friends and influence people if you want to get ahead. Let’s start talking about it and connect inside the new TechMae Mobile App community. All women are invited to join our new network created by women for women.  Download TechMae today! 


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