Dealing with Toxic People? Here’s How You Can Hold Your Ground

toxic woman


Surviving other people’s moodiness can be quite a challenge at times.  It’s important to remember that some toxic, negative people may be going through a difficult stage in their lives and just not expressing it to you. They may be ill, chronically worried, depressed or lacking what they need in terms of love and emotional support. People like this need to be listened to, supported and cared for (although whatever the cause of their moodiness and negativity, you may still need to protect yourself from their behavior).

Everyone has to deal with toxic people at some part of their life whether it’s in a professional circle, friends or family. It’s important to remember not to stress out or let yourself be their victim.  Everyone isn’t lucky enough to cut toxic people out of their lives because sometimes they are close family or close work associates. That is why we need to learn how to handle them.

These five skills and habits can help you to deal effectively and confidently with toxic people:


Think About Solutions Rather Than Problems

When toxic people face issues or problems they like to blame others. It’s hard for toxic people to take responsibility for their faults and they thrive creating problems. Then, they will place the blame on others. You have to be three steps ahead of a toxic person so that you recognize the behavior and know how to combat it.

Try to Avoid or Have an Exit Strategy

You should try your best to avoid the relentless negativity of toxic people. If this isn’t possible for you or you have to interact with them for any reason, plan an exit strategy when you notice the behavior arising. You should learn how to escape from their company or how to keep your interaction to the minimal. Talk to them only when it is necessary and have to stay focused on staying in your positive energy. Keep your time-limited around toxic people.  

Don’t Take Anything Personally 

It is in the nature of toxic people to bully, abuse and degrade others. You should ignore their negative behaviors and don’t take anything personally. Remember the negativity is a reflection of them and what they may be going through.  Keep in mind that they feel good by making you feel bad. If you are suffering because of their attitude, and your patience and general attentiveness doesn’t seem to help them, and they don’t seem to care, then ask yourself, “Do I really need this person in my life?”

Learn How to React

Toxic people can even attack your self-esteem, hurt your emotions, and make you feel self-pity or even worse.  Show confidence and demonstrate to them that you won’t be talked to any type of way. Remember, there is a huge amount of freedom that comes to you when you take nothing personally. Even when the situation seems personal – even if you feel directly insulted – chances are , it usually has nothing to do with you. Most of the time the opinions they have, are based entirely on their own self-reflection.  

Change Yourself

If you are forced to live or work with a toxic person, then make sure you get enough alone time to relax, rest, and recuperate.  Don’t let the toxicity affect you and your life.  Again, understand that even people with legitimate problems and clinical illnesses understand that a person can only take so much toxicity. Excuse yourself if you feel a blow-up about to happen.  If you are trying to change the behavior of toxic people, then you should know that it isn’t possible. Plus it’s not your job to try to change them, they have to want to change for themselves. 

If you take the role of trying to lead them or give them advice you run the risk of them becoming irritated and becoming your enemy. Look for the ways to be invulnerable, keep yourself motivated and stick to your ambitions. You can change yourself and your behavior to them or try to limit the physical interaction with them.


Dealing with toxic people can be hopeless sometimes, but you have to be courageous, confident and strong. Don’t let someone take away your joy with their toxic behavior. Recognize those signs and avoid them at all costs.  Are you currently dealing with someone toxic in your life? Need a safe space to vent and share with other women who can relate to what you are experiencing? We invite you to download our new app and start sharing and connecting inside our new community. Remember life is short, don’t spend your time around toxic people if you can change it. 


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