Equality Can’t Wait. Why TechMae Is Committed To Creating Equal Opportunities



The UN has already set an expiration date: by 2030, inequality between men and women must be a thing of the past. But when we look at the present – it’s immediately evident that so much work is yet to be done. We still have a wage gap. We still have a glass ceiling. And women still face way too many obstacles in reaching positions of leadership.


In 2018, there were more men named James running Fortune 500 companies than there were women. This year, only one CEO on that list of 500 is a woman of color. Women are 51 percent of the population but hold only 24 percent of the seats in Congress. via Time

Equality can’t wait and it shouldn’t wait. This is why we stand with Melinda Gates in her mission to raise awareness on this issue. At TechMae we understand that every woman has a story or knows of someone who has been affected by #genderinequality that’s why we created our own eco-system to give women a place of support.

headerWe don’t want to be like the majority and shy away from affirmative action, we understand that talking about it leads to solutions that  could challenge the status quo and change the world as we know it.

Equality can’t wait. Yet, women continue to face the centuries-old biases and prejudices that hold them back from achieving success. As a woman living in the USA we often forget about the freedoms that we have to express ourselves and to live the lives we want. In many cases in other countries women are still being suppressed in the homes and in the workforce. 


TechMae believes in an egalitarian world where equality isn’t unattainable – in fact, it’s a given.  

Reasons Why Equality Can’t Wait:


Human Rights

Hillary Clinton once famously said “Human rights are women’s rights; women’s rights are human rights.” Across the world, this is the ideology that’s going to make life better for every human being. As businesses, as individuals – it is important that we use our power to work for human rights.


Diversity Leads To Better Thinking:

There is no doubt that more inclusive and diverse teams consistently produce more successful and accurate solutions to complex situations. Diversity helps people from all walks of life have a fair shot at voicing their opinions, taking action, and establishing themselves on their own. 


It’s The Economy

Why would any economy of the world decide to underuse half of its talent? If we want a wealth-producing economy, we should naturally fill every position with the brightest and best. Of course, that would include women as well as men. Be it in the fields of entrepreneurship, business, entertainment, sports – women’s contribution is going to make a massive difference to the economy. The more talent contributes to the workforce, the more the economy is going to flourish. 


Peace & Harmony

Equality will inevitably lead to a more peaceful society. An egalitarian world leaves little room for people clashing with each other, and makes way for a peaceful, harmonious world. 

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Let’s not wait for 2050, or even 2030. Let’s get to work now! TechMae believes in empowering women from all walks of life to *smash* the glass ceiling and support and uplift each other towards success. Click here to find out more about TechMae and download our new app. 



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