How Instagram Is Making Women Insecure – And How To Overcome It


With more and more stories rolling out about the detrimental effect Instagram is having on women – it’s not just an opinion anymore. It’s an established fact; Instagram is hurting women’s self esteem. And there’s little that’s being done about it.



It’s time we stop hiding behind the facet of Instagram and social media and start being real in general. TechMae created a space online for women to come and be authentic in a world full of filters and “instafame”.



What people post on Instagram, and social media in general, is nearly always images of themselves in a positive light. It’s becoming a trend to see filtered photos more than the true authentic photos on social media. This bombardment of content with measured ‘perfection’ can often lead women to become more self conscious about themselves. It affects everything from our body image, our self esteem, even our relationship with food and exercise! In an effort to curate the best version of themselves online – women make a conscious effort to gloss over their ‘flaws’ – doing everything from retouching their photos, hide their ‘chubby cheeks’ or ‘big nose’, and just having a damaged self image. It’s time to make being authentic go viral and that’s what we want to create inside the TechMae mobile app. 

How does one overcome these anxieties and insecurities? giphy


It’s Not As Real As You Think

That influencer whose luxurious vacations you envy? That model who you so badly want to look like? They’re all exaggerating, retouching and re-purposing their photos way more than you think. Calculated spontaneity is a very real thing in the world of Instagram. And all those candids you saw were actually part of a long drawn photoshoot with highly airbrushed pictures. Nope, they weren’t as ‘candid’ as you think! 


It’s All About Your Own Self Perception

While Instagram algorithm could definitely be more optimized to not exploit people’s insecurities – the issue ultimately stems from your own self perception. Are you spending too much time looking at people with ‘perfect’ lives? Are there any deep rooted issued that you must address within yourself, in order to overcome the Instagram insecurity? If you’re finding it hard to maintain your self esteem while on Instagram – maybe it’s time to look deep within and introspect on why you need to love yourself more! 


A Detox Never Hurt Anyone

That friend who went on and on about how taking a break from Instagram made her happier? Maybe it’s time you listened to her advice! A social media detox can help you de-stress from the absolute bombardment of images that Instagram ensues. Take the same time to actually enjoy your life’s moments, instead of documenting them for Instagram. Not to mention the immense advantage all of this will have on your attention span! 

Here’s the thing: Instagram isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Instead of letting social media fake perfection take a toll on your self esteem – reevaluate how you could actually spend time on more positive online spaces.



Have we mentioned a cool new space we created to solve this issue online?


Techmae aims to provide just this experience to the women within our community. An exclusively built of focused communities and experts. Our vision is to be a space for all women to connect in real-time, hype each other up, and uplift each other towards success.  We know that when women come together great things happen. 


Whatever you do – make sure you’re practicing all the self-love you need to heal from the anxieties that come with social media in general. We’re sending all the sunshine, rainbows and positive energy you’ll need for that to happen! We understand that giving up Instagram is hard but try giving yourself a break from it for a while, trust me it’s worth it in the long run. If you are looking for a different, new experience online be sure to download our new app and invite your girlfriends to join you on our new network.

And while you are on your Instabreak- if you hate life without it, it’ll be ok, the likes, the filters, the comments will all still be there when you get back. 😉


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