Is Your Career Path Your True Calling?

fuel your passion

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Your calling is that passion that you have deep inside, it’s the career that defines your purpose in life. Someone once told me if you find a job that you love you’ll never have to work a day in your life. Don’t get me wrong, when you work your passion it’s not always going to be easy.

Sometimes we work careers so long we forget about what our passions and dreams once were. We pass the time by each and every day working someone else’s dream, and we hardly get time to focus on the things that we were once passionate about.

People who choose a career, instead of their calling, wake up disappointed that they have to go to work and clock in for someone. Sometimes they can find themselves not progressing in their careers, and they hate going into work each day. However, the benefits of you finding your calling and pursuing it will make your days more than just a 9 to 5.


Know the difference between a career and a calling in life.

A calling is something that you can’t stop thinking about. A calling is something that you could imagine yourself doing even if you didn’t’ get paid because you love it just that much.

People who take into account their personalities and interests increase their chances of finding fulfilling careers. Use a variety of tools to help find your calling, including personality and interest tests online to learn all about yourself.  The greater your access to inner happiness (regardless of what’s going on outside or around you), the greater your experience of success throughout your life.




The people I’ve met who have the most rewarding careers are individuals who have developed a habit of experiencing gratitude on a daily basis. Experiencing happiness throughout your life requires flexibility, openness, and adaptability.  Stop and ask yourself, what is something you could do everything that it doesn’t matter if you got paid or not? Listen to your inner voice and don’t worry about your ideas being out of the box, or no one else understanding your ideas. Live your life to the fullest and don’t waste another day not following your dreams.

Life is not promised to anyone, so take advantage of today. Are you doing what you are passionate about each day? I am…


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