
Traits Common To All Kickass Female Entrepreneurs

It’s not always easy being the boss-in-charge. And it gets all the more tough when you’re often the only woman sitting in a room full of men, giving them instructions and expecting them to comply. The good thing is – there’s a long history of women who happened to be the

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Tips For Every Woman To Step Into Her Power

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.  -Alice Walker Superwomen now is our time to start stepping up our game. Are you with me on this? Are you ready to step into your superpower?  It’s never to late to start living the

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The Power of Collaboration for Every Woman

As the world goes through its problems politically and socially, women are not always included in looking for global peace or solving the problems of the world in our society. For peace to reign in the world, every woman needs to collaborate and join hands to build a world of peace

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