Joanna Ziemlewski Talks Mindset And Life As A Transformational Coach

Joanna Transformational Coach

Joanna is a high performance coach and portrait photographer who helps ambitious entrepreneurs stop fighting themselves so they can multiply their business with greater impact and ease. Former chemical engineer she learned to integrate her love for photography into her practice of coaching women and helping them see themselves in an uplifted light.  To put it simply, she helps you transform years of struggle and stress into the results you want in just 90 days. Sometimes even in 1 day.

She is the founder of SoulScaping, a boutique transformation studio that combines the science of transformational psychology with the art of portrait photography to create lasting, soul-powered breakthroughs. She believes there is nothing wrong with you. 

You are whole and complete, and just need to integrate what you forgot together again. As a result, achieving your goals while designing a life and business that fulfills you is second nature. She loves to speak the unspoken to get to the deeper, more meaningful answers that were always there, but were censored by anxiety, fear, shame and judgment. It cuts through the B.S. and gets to the root of the real problem, accelerating your results so they are effortless and aligned with your true values. Joanna serves on the Leadership Team for Tony Robbins and as a mentor for Sue Bryce Education.  She is a certified Master Practitioner of Nuero-Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis. She is based in New York, NY.

Check out our most recent podcast featuring Joanna here. 

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