Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Her Legacy And Why We Must Continue The Fight For Women


Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a trailblazer who lived a life defined by strength, fortitude and determination. The second woman to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court, Ruth played a significant part in working toward gender equality.  She was a powerful liberal voice on the United States Supreme Court, appointed by Bill Clinton in 1993. She was one of the oldest sitting Supreme Justices still serving. Known as Notorious RGB, she was one of only three women serving the high court. Ginsburg was an important voice for all citizens, especially women in the United States.

Ruth stood the plight for women’s causes and she was heavily influenced by Thurgood Marshall and his fight for changing the unfair laws that discriminated against people of color. During the 1970s, while working for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Ruth pioneered cases that challenged gender inequalities, from equal pay to abortion rights. Ginsburg was inspired to make equality under the law her life’s work because of her own experiences not being given jobs because she was a woman and a mother. She stated in a past interviews, that when she got the job, she was paid less than her male counterparts until she joined an equal pay campaign at Rutgers Law School. In the weeks right before her death, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was still conferring on cases, penning notes to friends and continuing to schedule social events, including a wedding that she was to officiate the day she died.

As a country it’s important we have proper representation when it comes to solving issues that directly affect us not only as citizens but as women. There is power in the collaboration of women when we fight for leadership roles or any roles in the business world. When we stay united; we command great power and authority. Ruth made sure to make social causes the forefront of her fight, and it started by changing the laws one by one in each state. She was fearless and had a determination that even the younger generation was able to respect. 

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Chances are you have benefited from legislation created by Ruth.

It’s important to understand that as a woman, she was our voice. She stood for our causes and her seat isn’t going to be easily filled. Whoever replaces her needs to make sure they have women’s rights at the forefront.

Ruth Stood For Women’s Right’s.

She was someone who was relatable from the older generations to the younger generation. Having another woman replace her seat is important for us as women. A woman’s approach to solving problems versus a man’s perspective is very different, thats’ why its important we have proper representation in the high courts. During a time when our basic human rights are in question, as women we must come together, we must go out and vote and we must support each other. TechMae has created a social networking club for women to join and start talking about the issues that are affecting us. We are an outlet for women to use their voices collectively to solve problems.

The next month is going to be an important time in our country and we must use our vote and make it count. Women’s rights are at stake, our reproductive rights are at stake, now is not the time to think that this is going to go away on its on.

Your Vote Matters

Because of Ruth- We as women have freedoms that the generations before us weren’t afforded. We must progress not go backwards. Not only for our sake as women, but the sake of future generations to come.

At TechMae, every community is built to get the conversation started for women. All women are invited to download our app today and start engaging.

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