TechMae Is Excited To Announce Our Latest App Update.

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I don’t know about you, but I’m still buzzing with excitement about 2020 and the start of this new decade. Can you believe it is already almost the end of February? Where does the time go when you’re having fun?? It has taken the Co-Founder Vanessa and I several months to get to this point and we are excited to welcome women onto our platform.

TechMae mobile app is designed to support women no matter the industry or field. It’s all about making meaningful connections on our network.  Women who have organizations and businesses are welcome to promote events inside of our community. Women working in charity can seek out donations or community support for their projects. There is no limit to what we can achieve with a powerful network.


Ladies, we have some amazing things in store for you this year. While we are on our soft launch, its important to give us your feedback.

It’s taken us some time to get our technology in a place where we feel confident to invite you to download and start using our app. At TechMae we wanted to ensure that when women used our mobile app they were able to get the most out of their experience. That’s why we created the focused groups, for focused conversations.

What can you expect from our new app community?

THIS is your community, and we are your tribe. This is a safe haven for you to connect with other women who have been in your shoes. You can expect organized focused communities so that we can start having meaningful conversations and stay on topic. You can expect a different type of support and networking experience on our new app built exclusively for women.

TechMae is a safe space to discuss your topic you are passionate about, or simply get advice from other women. Invite your female friends and co-workers, we have a new digital community built to connect and support all women. Have a business that you’re working on? Want to get insight from someone who has been in that same industry as you? Come onto the TechMae app and start posting inside our groups and start making meaningful connections and getting insight from women who have been in your shoes.

The Co-Founder Vanessa and I have had many long nights about how we are going to introduce this technology to the global market and one of the things that we decided early on is we want to grow organically.

That means we want to get to know each woman that signs onto our network.

You have the opportunity to post and introduce yourself inside of the TechMae connections group. You can find the groups by going to your profile page and clicking on Groups. Once you click on groups you will see the full list of all of the active groups within our eco-system.

Have a topic you don’t see in one of our groups? Post your questions or comments inside of TechMae connections. TechMae connections group was built as a central connection place inside the application. Everyone that signs onto the app is automatically entered inside the Connections group. We welcome women to start posting inside the community and start making meaningful connections.

At TechMae we believe in the power of collaboration but mostly we believe in you. And I can’t wait to hear all the great things that are happening for you as we continue into 2020 together on TechMae Mobile App.


Interested in partnership or collaboration? Contact us here and let’s talk.


Meet Me On TechMae. 

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