Why Has Social Media Become So Toxic? And How We Can Fix This Problem

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Social Media is great – no contesting that. It’s a tool for self-empowerment, it’s a way to express yourself, it’s a way to stay connected with your inner circle….all of that. But what happens when the noise of social media becomes so intense that it overpowers your life???

……a noise that doesn’t let up! Unfortunately, that’s what social media has become for many people today. There’s everything from the infamous cancel culture, fleeting news trends, and fake influencers, to the body dysmorphia faced mostly by women users…..the list goes on!

It begs the question:

Why Has Social Media Become So Toxic?


It’s All About The $$$ Now

More than ever before, all social media platforms are focused on commercialization and quantity as opposed to the environment they provide to users. This means that the content you see on your timeline isn’t chronological, nor from your own network. It is anything that’s making the platform more money! And it has taken away from the user experience of genuine connection, which is why we find ourselves using social media. 



We’re Wayyyy Too Focused On Likes 

Way too many studies have already proved that commoditizing social status through comments and likes is harmful to your mental health. “Facebook envy” is the general concept of being envious or jealous of friends’ activities on social media. There’s also a whole industry now that sells comments and likes and followers to people.  All of this has generated a market that capitalizes on our social connections! 



Privacy Breaches Are The New Norm

Here’s the thing: social media platforms record huge amounts of data that’s often sold to third party companies. What most people don’t truly understand is how valuable their data is, and how important it is for it to stay safe. You might think it’s inconsequential to check-in to places or like your favorite pages or do the #10YearChallenge. It’s not as rainbows and sunshine as it looks! If the recent scandals around Facebook prove anything, it’s that social media platforms don’t care about privacy whatsoever. And it’s in our hands to turn this around. 



But Who’s *Really* To Blame Here?!

Many things; the algorithms on which social media is based, the way the content is arranged, the profiles that get the most exposure, and the way we shape social media to be! The thing is – if we hadn’t given so much power to a few platforms, they wouldn’t have the monopoly they do today. This is what allows them to get away with privacy breaches and scandals!  



Has It All Gone Beyond A Point Of Return? 

We’re afraid so. Social Media has gotten to a point where it’s extremely hard to use it just to empower yourself. Your insecurities are being preyed on, your activities are being monitored, you’re being flooded with content on your timeline. The main objective is how much money the platform makes, not how its users are influenced. Just take this, for example, the “influencer marketing” industry is expected to grow to a $10 billion dollar industry this year. The outcome? A platform meant to connect people has turned into a commercialized, toxic landscape that’s marketing to your insecurities. 



What’s The Solution?

Shift to better platforms! If we don’t end the monopoly that major social media corporations have on the market, we’ll never be able to hold them accountable for their actions!!!

If you’re a woman,  looking for a safe space to network with like-minded women, where your data is secure, and you’re not being bombarded with ads and products preying on your insecurities – look no further than Techmae Mobile App!

TechMae mobile app offers women of the world a unique social networking experience, where it’s all about creating an intimate space for personal stories and conversations. No matter the industry, the stage in your career or whatever your interest is, you can find a space on the TechMae mobile app. TechMae’s ultimate goal is to empower women to be the best version of themselves. Think of it as a digital retreat for women, where you’re free to be yourself and have a say in the environment you want! Your voice matters and we want to hear from you. A community-built of focused groups for focused conversations. 


Join Our Movement Today! 

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